Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What I did when I went home

Me and Teej

Joel playing with Lighter fluid

My brother in the snow

Me and Joel at Mill Pond

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Back in Maryland, and it's snowing?

So I'm back, I made it through all 3 flights just fine, despite snow and delays in Chicago. Stupid Chicago.

I've decided I like taking off, I like flying, I just don't like landing. Nobody ever dies flying, they die landing.

Brought my guitar back with me, so now I have something to do with all my spare time. It's pretty cool. I've already re-learned one song I used to know. And I'm working on another. My fingers are getting callused again. Woohoo.

It's snowing here now. Not a lot, about an inch. Just enough to have some fun on the roads mwahahahahaha.

Nah, I'm joking. I'm not gonna wreck my car. Not when I share it with someone else. If it was all mine though, oh man. I'd be pro at the e-brake turns by now.

Bought a webcam. Should be fun. Oh well. Nothing too important to report. Later all.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Going Back to Maryland in less than 9 hours

To be honest, it's a bit of a relief.

Don't get me wrong, I've had one of the best weeks of my life. It's been amazing coming home and visiting all my friends and family I haven't seen in a while. You don't truly appreciate something until it's gone. And I was gone for 7 months. 7 months is far too long to go without the people you love.

But this entire week has been a rollercoaster. Up and down and all around emotionally. I love rollercoasters, but I don't wanna live on one. I'm ready to set my feet back on the ground, pick up my popcorn, come down off my sugar high, and head back to work. It'll be nice to just wake up, go to work, and come home.

Granted, that'll be nice for about 3 days, then I'll be wanting to come home again. I'll be back to my mopey self again. Sitting in my boring ass room with my boring ass car, empty ass house, and semi flat air mattress. (oh man is a real bed sweet after 7 months of air mattress)

I figure I'll just throw myself into work to drown my homesickness. 7 Days a week (if I can get the shifts) Here I come. I'll be tired, but I'll be raking in the extra dough like nobodies business.

There are far too many people I'm going to miss in Canada.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So I'm home now

And Why WHY did I ever leave? How could I think that this place of good food, family that loves me, beautiful scenery, beautiful women, potential for greatness, and basically everything that I value, could ever be annoying and tiresome?

You know what, I complain a lot about Maryland. I shouldn't, I'm sure it's a wonderful place to live. But it's not my home. There is NO place like home. I know it's an old cliche but it's so damn true. I really have no reason to go back, theres nothing there that I don't have here. But I'm gonna go back anyways. I said I'd work there for a year and a half. And that's what I'm gonna do. Even if my heart is here, in B.C. I'm going to hate it, and I'm going to wish every single second that I was home. But I'm going to do it. Because my word is my life.

Lets face it, I'm not a particularly talented individual. I'm a good cook, but not because I was meant to be. I'm good because I worked at it. I worked my ass off. And I worked at it because I promised myself I was going to. I may be good at things, but not because I was born with that gift. I'm good at working hard, and even that is a relatively new development in my life. It wasn't until I graduated that I actually started working hard.

What I'm trying to say here is, I don't have a lot, I'm not a person destined for greatness. I can't control how talented I am, or how skilled I am, or even what luck throws my way. But what I can control is how hard I work. I can control what comes out of my mouth, I can control what kind of person I want to be.

So to hell with all the things I can't control. And all the things that I can are mine, I'll grab them by the horns and wrestle them to the ground. And if I'm anything in this world, I'm a man of my word. Because so very often, your word is all you have.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Things to do when I get home

Tim Hortons
Learn to drive standard
Shannons going away party
get the last of presents for the family
Hang out with as many friends as possible
Hang out with Tasha
Hug my puppy
Sleep in a real bed
Cook a holiday dinner for my family and whoever else wants to join, spare no expense
All you can eat Sushi
Go to Church
Go to Youth group
Go to Guys night
Pack up guitar to bring back with me
Get as many photos of family and friends as possible
Possibly Polar Bear Swim at Cascade
Eat as much as I can while the food is the food I associate with home.

If I've forgotten anything or anyone, please let me know. I'll try to avoid sleeping as much as I can while I'm home, so that I'll have more time with everyone.