Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So I'm home now

And Why WHY did I ever leave? How could I think that this place of good food, family that loves me, beautiful scenery, beautiful women, potential for greatness, and basically everything that I value, could ever be annoying and tiresome?

You know what, I complain a lot about Maryland. I shouldn't, I'm sure it's a wonderful place to live. But it's not my home. There is NO place like home. I know it's an old cliche but it's so damn true. I really have no reason to go back, theres nothing there that I don't have here. But I'm gonna go back anyways. I said I'd work there for a year and a half. And that's what I'm gonna do. Even if my heart is here, in B.C. I'm going to hate it, and I'm going to wish every single second that I was home. But I'm going to do it. Because my word is my life.

Lets face it, I'm not a particularly talented individual. I'm a good cook, but not because I was meant to be. I'm good because I worked at it. I worked my ass off. And I worked at it because I promised myself I was going to. I may be good at things, but not because I was born with that gift. I'm good at working hard, and even that is a relatively new development in my life. It wasn't until I graduated that I actually started working hard.

What I'm trying to say here is, I don't have a lot, I'm not a person destined for greatness. I can't control how talented I am, or how skilled I am, or even what luck throws my way. But what I can control is how hard I work. I can control what comes out of my mouth, I can control what kind of person I want to be.

So to hell with all the things I can't control. And all the things that I can are mine, I'll grab them by the horns and wrestle them to the ground. And if I'm anything in this world, I'm a man of my word. Because so very often, your word is all you have.


Blogger Sue said...

and you've always been an awesome writer...

8:13 PM  
Blogger Shannon George said...

so we missed you tonight, well have fun back while you're here... see you later shannon

1:11 AM  

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