Saturday, December 23, 2006

Things lately....

GAH! the winter season is so slow. There are some days at the restaurant where I cook for 5 people all day long. It's so wasteful when you consider the amount of food we have to keep prepared on our line "Just in case." Ok, quick example. We make a crab salad sandwich for lunch. Say we make a 5lb batch of crab salad. It sounds like a lot. But if we do get busy it goes pretty quick. A pound of crab is going for about 15$ these days. So 5x15=85. Right? 85$ for a batch of crab salad. Crab salad only lasts for about 4 days before it starts to go south. If we get a busy day in there, then we'll probably use it all. But say we don't. Half of that batch is going in the garbage. That's 42$ in the garbage. 42$ that the hotel will never see again. And this is just one item on our menu, in one of our 7 or 8 outlets. Stuff like this happens all the time. It's astounding how the hotel can keep in business. Just the fact that there is somebody who has to track all this money, and that someday that guy might be me. That's a scary scary thought. It's easy to see how some chef's can get so caught up in paperwork that they never get to cook anymore. Which is something I don't think I could ever do. Ack! Pencil Pushing = SATAN! Descending into the evil hell that is a desk job is the stuff of my nightmares. I'm a man of action dammit! Something needs doing....I do it. That's it.

Me and Erin work lunch and morning shifts. Everyone else works dinner shifts. Which works out well. Nobody has to stay up till midnight to give the other person a ride home.

Still have to get a present for Brad and Erin. I'm sure I could go out to wal-mart and get them something pretty easy. But that just seems like copping out to me. These are people that are important to me. I should be able to find something awesome for them. I'd rather get them nothing than get some crappy gift they'll say thank you for, then never think twice about. If I have to bankrupt myself. So be it. What else is money good for if not giving away? Screw hoarding.

I have a computer....all is good with the world. Please feel free to e-mail me pictures. I miss everyone back home.


Blogger Sue said...

Looking forward to the 8th.

10:14 PM  
Blogger Shannon George said...


10:38 PM  

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