Friday, June 23, 2006


So......I'm already tired of the restaurant that I'm working in.

I'm managing it in every aspect except for the title and the pay. Half of my employees are Polish interns, and while hardworking, speak hardly any English, and have fewer skills. My best worker, Nesse (nee-see) is taking a Hospitality Management College course. While it does teach some cooking basics. It's more focused on actual management. (most of which is useless in a real professional kitchen anyways) So she can cook, kinda. And she can manage....kinda. But she's better than everyone else.

Today I just kinda let her run the line (the area where all the food that is being served is prepped) While I sat in the back of the kitchen, did prep work, and just supervised. I was really not into the whole taking charge and making sure things get done right mood today. I just wanted to do the work, and make sure we were ready for July 4th (busiest day, and probably weekend, of the year)

After the 4th, I get to start at the fine dining restaurant. Breakfast and Lunch, pantry station. It's still not challenging work. But at least I'll be able to make quality food. Me and Mike will be able to double team the lunch specials and stuff, so maybe we'll be able to make some REALLY nice food. And Chef Shean, the restaurant chef, has no qualms about putting good stuff on the menu, regardless of who it comes from.

We went for Sushi the other night.......B.C Sushi is SO much better. It's cheaper, fresher, and tastes better. Don't eat East Coast sushi. At least not if you've had West Coast sushi. Night and day, Night. And. Day!

I miss home.


Blogger Sue said...

Hang in there Josh, 10 more days till you change over. :) mom

11:11 AM  

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