Monday, June 19, 2006

happenings and going ons

so I've been here for 3 weeks now. So far I've transformed my restuarant into something a little more organized (the food still sucks though) Trained two new Polish interns, (they're already at least the equivalent of people who've been working there a year) a managed to navigate my kitchen brigade through the insaneness of a rush all by my lonesome.

I have only one word....Booyah.

My next item on the list of conquests is the fine dining restaurant, pantry section.

So home life has actually been pretty steady all things said and done. There are a few blips on the radar. (cougherindoesn'tdoanyhouseworkcough) Brenden bringing home one of the servers from the restaurant. Mike buying a bike, breaking it, fixing it, breaking it again. Brenden wants to sign the lease on the house over to my name in case he decides to split. We have both our names on the insurance. Little things like that that are dealt with quickly.

I'm starting to settle into a routine. Wake up, shower, brush teeth, walk to work, get there early, eat breakfast. Do my thing there, try and do some extra work and get extra hours. Go home, read, maybe play videogames, shower again, go to bed late. If the weather is nice me and Mike and Brenden will sit out on the roof and drink beer. (Mom is going to freak out when she reads this)

It's kinda cool, we have an open door policy, anyone we know is free to come here, hang out. Talk with us, or even just stay here and play videogames (as Justin is wont to do) I like that. I like that people feel welcome at our house, and even more importantly, they like us enough to want to hang out.

While I'm on the topic of the people here. I was pleasently surprised. Everyone has been extremely friendly. They've been helpful, kind, polite (in their own way) and very friendly. We got a leather couch, 2 lazyboys, an armchair, a bookshelf, 4 tv tables, a footrest, an etage (whatever that was) a dining room table. all for 320$! And they threw in a whole bunch of pots and pans for the hell of it! It was awesome!

I'm starting to get comfortable here....homesickness hasn't set in yet. Hopefully this place will become a home before it can hit me too hard. At the very least I can always phone up my family, or talk to people on msn. That'll help stave it off. At least for a while. I still feel like I'm gonna snap at work, and lose it on some poor server. Or breakdown and cry in the fridge. But I'll tackle that bridge when I come to it. (How exactly does one tackle a bridge?)

till the next entry then.


Blogger Sue said...

haha, you can't fool me, you don't like beer, and as for that bridge, one brick at a time. btw, your house is just like ours here, we always have someone here just hanging around. I think that's a good thing josh. love ya, mom.

1:18 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

whos the man?...Josh :P

6:46 PM  
Blogger Miss-buggy said...

go Josh!!
Way to show initiative.
HAHA!! Mom knows you too well! It is nice to feel welcome in someone's home.

11:28 AM  

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